Various Artist and Groups will be designated Musicianaries, spreading the message of The Lost, expanding our number of Followers.

These artist will submit themselves to the Elder Commune using the formal web application, starting the Initiate process. In this application process the Initiate will submit a message offering in the form of art that supports the vision of The Lost.

On receipt of the offering and some deliberation the Commune will contact the Initiate notifying if they are acceptable for a formal interview / rehearsal. Initiates may submit many offerings in attempt to appease the Elders.

After the the Initiate completes the formal interview / rehearsal the Commune will vote on the applicants offering by the end of the next formal meeting.

Once accepted, the organization will provide resources to assist the new Musicianary he begins to spread the message.

Here is a page listing all of our Musicianaries and Events they are sharing the message at.

If sharing the message of Neognosticism through music sounds like a calling you carry, feel free to sign up on our Musicianaries Wanted page.